
Jeffrey Koenig, et al. v. VIZIO, Inc., Case No. BC 702266, in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles

If you bought a new VIZIO television in the State of California after April 30, 2014, you may be entitled to payment from a class action settlement. The settlement described below is subject to final approval by the Court. If you are a member of the Settlement Class, you will still need to submit a claim to receive certain benefits. Please read carefully below.

The purpose of this website is to inform you of a class action lawsuit called Jeffrey Koenig, et al. v. VIZIO, Inc., Case No. BC 70266, in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles.

  • The Settlement resolves a lawsuit alleging that VIZIO’s advertisement of certain of its Televisions as having a “120Hz Effective Refresh Rate” or “240Hz Effective Refresh Rate” was false and misleading. VIZIO denies all of Plaintiff’s allegations and contends that it properly labeled each television.
  • The Settlement defines the Settlement Class as all individuals who purchased a VIZIO television in California in the Class Period that was advertised as having a “120Hz Effective Refresh Rate” or “240Hz Effective Refresh Rate.” The Class Period extends from April 30, 2014, through the date that the Court enters final judgment following the final approval hearing currently scheduled for June 20, 2024.
  • The two sides disagree on whether Plaintiff and the Settlement Class could have prevailed at trial. By entering into the Settlement, VIZIO has not conceded the truth or validity of any of the claims against it.
  • To resolve the lawsuit, Plaintiff and VIZIO, Inc. (“VIZIO”) have agreed to the following relief for the Settlement Class. VIZIO has agreed to (i) stop the advertising practices; (ii) provide enhanced services and a limited one-year warranty to all Settlement Class Members; and (iii) pay $3,000,000 (“Settlement Awards”) in full and complete settlement and release of all claims. The Court will need to grant final approval of this Settlement before the Settlement Class receives any benefits.
  • An attorneys’ fee award to be determined by the Court, notice and administration costs, and any incentive award to the Class Representatives to be determined by the Court will be paid separately and apart from the Settlement Awards.
  • If the Court grants final approval of this Settlement, the Settlement Awards will be paid at up to $50 per valid Claim and subject to pro rata decrease, depending on the number of all approved Claims submitted.
Your legal rights may be affected whether you act, or don’t act.

Submit a Claim Form If you submit a valid Claim Form, you will receive a payment, and will give up certain rights to sue VIZIO. March 30, 2024
Exclude Yourself From the Case This is the only option that allows you to sue VIZIO on your own regarding the legal claims in this case, but you will not receive compensation or other benefits under the Settlement. February 29, 2024
Object to Settlement Write to the Court about why you do not like the Settlement. February 29, 2024
Do Nothing If you do nothing, you will receive no money from the Settlement, but you may still be eligible to obtain the enhanced service or warranty. You will still give up certain rights to sue VIZIO.

This website provides a summary of your rights and options. Your rights and options—and the deadlines to exercise them—along with many of the material terms of the proposed Settlement are explained further in the Notice. The most comprehensive explanation of your rights and options is contained in the Settlement Agreement.

Please do not telephone the Court or the Court Clerk’s Office to inquire about this Settlement or the Claims Process.